Friday, December 7, 2012

Let The Kids Grow Foundation - @ Beverly Wilshire Beverly Hills (A Four Seasons Hotel)

Percy "Master P" Miller, Simin Hashemizadeh, Romeo Miller
Let The Kids Grow Foundation
Dwight Howard, Cymphonique Miller, Percy "Master P" Miller, Romeo Miller
Let The Kids Grow Foundation 12.1.12

Beverly Wilshire Beverly Hills (A Four Seasons Hotel)
Let The Kids Grow Foundation 12.1.12
A beautiful Winter Wonderland @  Beverly Wilshire Beverly Hills (A Four Seasons Hotel)
Let The Kids Grow Foundation 12.1.12
Let The Kids Grow Foundation Celebrity Black Tie Event 12.1.2012

Simin Hashemizadeh, Percy "Master P" Miller. and Kevin Cresswell, really did a magnificent job in transforming the Beverly Wilshire Hotel into a winter wonderland!

The non-profit organization, "Let The Kids Grow Foundation" is something close to the heart of
Percy "Master P" Miller and Simin Hashemizadeh. These two individuals work tirelessly, making sure that the "Latch Key Child" of 1980's are a thing of the past. You see, at "Let The Kids Grow Foundation",
these children from the community will have a safe warm place to go after school, where they are given afternoon snacks and helped with their homework, until an adult can come and pick them up. Now, how about that?

Let The Kids Grow Foundation is key on raising the awareness of the ever present need to start bringing about the change that you want to see in America. For Percy "Master P" Miller and his lovely family, that's how they roll!

Cymphonique Miller, you looked lovely, and your tribute to Whitney Houston was remarkable! Not only are you beautiful, you can sing, and you did the Darn Thing!

Romeo Miller, you've been a joy to watch grow up on the Beverly Hills Community. When I managed the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce, which was located on South Beverly Drive, you were one of the most intelligent, respectful young men who'd open the door for me in the mornings at the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.
I used to say, "Whoever raised that young man did a good job! He's so respectful and helpful. How refreshing!" Then to add to it, you are a multi-faceted Actor (in animation as well? - you GO Romeo!)
Young man, stay focused and keep on being the best that you can be - We love and support you!

For more information on how one can support Let The Kids Grow Foundation, a Non-Profit 501(c)(3)

Thank you Fauna Hodel, Kevin Cresswell, Mimi Makabi, Hollywood Swag Bag, Germaine Zimet, Lisa Gal, Glen & Jackie Valdez for the lovely photos, and most of all Simin Hashemizadeh and Percy "Master P" Miller.
Great job on the Red Carpet, Kennedy Zimet! Excellent job, Lauren Randolph, @ Beverly Wilshire Beverly Hills Hotel (A Four Seasons Hotel)!

Love & light,

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