Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Angie Miller American Idol Got It Wrong The Voice Got It Right

Angie Miller Twitter
Angie Miller Twitter "You Set Me Free"
Talking about money in the bank, "The Voice on NBC" got it right, right, right. Danielle Bradbury winner of "The Voice" is money in the bank for that show. "The Voice" has been looking for a figure to represent the shows success and they got it with 5 Stars with Danielle Bradbury's victory. What "The Voice" got with Danielle Bradbury was exactly what American Idol would have gotten if Angie Miller had won American Idol. A future Superstar that represents what the show was supposed to represent since Season 1 when American Idol was called "American Idol Search For a Superstar". Angie Miller was destined to win American Idol without a doubt but she was derailed primarily by the judges Randy, Keith, Nickie, Maria with backup from Jimmy Iovine. What a disaster, Jimmy $$ signs Iovine should have known that he could make tons more money from Angie than Candice or Kree but he never showed her support, instead it was lavished over and over on Candice. Randy Jackson who in part with Paula Abdul saved Kelly Clarkson from elimination by Simon in Hollywood Week should have recognized Angie Miller's current young relative feeling especially with young girls who are the ones that buy CDs, download songs and want to be like their star. I will excuse Keith, Nickie and Maria for simply being judges for the $$, especially $20,000,000 Maria or were they maybe jealous of Angie. In any case congratulations to the Voice for a thoroughly enjoyable season. The idea of counting I Tunes Songs that rank in the top ten as 10 times the normal vote was genius. That was putting your money where your mouth is, if you buy the songs now you will buy the songs later when they start their real singing career. Congratulations also to the Voice for making the show 90% singing and 10 % talking versus the 10 % singing and 90% talking, skits, etc that have clogged American Idol show to a snails pace and driven viewers to other channels.

Angie Miller performs Yesterday better than Paul McCartney

Angie Miller The Voice Danielle Bradbury Article by Steve Forrest Writer

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