Monday, May 6, 2013

Angie Milller American Idol The Importance of Winning

Angie Miller Goal Win American Idol - The Importance of Winning

Angie Miller American Idol
Angie Miller Goal American Idol
Every year on American Idol the judges lavish the contestants with praise rightfully or not telling them that even though they have been voted off they still have a career. On Idol the contestants should always remember, "Don't believe the hype". This is probably the one thing about American Idol that is most bothersome. It is the smoke constantly being blown in the direction of the contestants telling them that they are going to be huge stars, with sold out concerts and platinum record sales. The fact is and history bears this out, of the roughly 1.5 million people who have tried out for Idol only two have achieved that status, Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood have hit records, concert tours and a long term career. It is so tough at the top even these two have a tough time competing in the real world of the music business. Since the judges won’t say it, I will, Amber has almost zero chance of platinum selling records, having sold out concerts and getting a star on the Hollywood walk of fame. Like early Simon would say to Paula, if you love them so much you put your money behind them. I am not being mean it is just the way it is. Amber cannot even begin to compete with the Rihanna’s and Beyonce’s in the real music world. If she could people would be streaming to see Jennifer Hudson who has a much better voice than Amber’s and yet Jennifer cannot break into the music business with hits and concert tours. Unfortunately Jennifer Hudson best avenue has been as spokeswoman for Weight Watchers. Reality check, that praise is smoke, American Idol hype or whatever you want to call it. Think quick who what is the name of the country girl voted off before Amber. I honestly will have to look it up because already I can remember her face but not her name. That shows how after Idol the contestants value drops exponentially. This shows that if anyone has any chance of truly having a career after American Idol it is paramount that first you win Idol. This is why voters wanting to see Angie Miller win American Idol cannot sit idle. It is time to turn it up.

American Idol Top 4 Take 2 review.

 The most likely same contestant was finally eliminated and that of course was Amber. In reality Amber could have gone out before, what’s her name, see how quickly they become history, the country girl, somebody help me, Janelle, right that’s it thanks. The judges must have heard something in the TV studio with Amber that doesn’t come across at home or when I listen to it back on headphones because Amber is quite often off center on several notes, usually on the flat side.

Angie Miller Goal Win American Idol article written by Steve Forrest

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